oracle error- ORA-00329: archived log begins at change string, need change string


archived log begins at change string, need change string
Cause:The archived log is not the correct log. An earlier log is needed.
Action:Restore the correct log file.

oracle error- ORA-00326: log begins at change string, need earlier change string


log begins at change string, need earlier change string
Cause:The archived log supplied for recovery was generated after the log that is needed. Can not yet use the log for applying redo.
Action:Find correct archived log.

oracle error- ORA-00327: log string of thread string, physical size string less than needed string


log string of thread string, physical size string less than needed string
Cause:A log file has shrunk in size. This is likely to have been caused by operator or operating system error.
Action:Restore the log file from backup. If backup is not available, drop this log and re-create. If the database was shut down cleanly, no further action should be required; otherwise incomplete recovery may be required.