oracle error- ORA-00385: cannot enable Very Large Memory with new buffer cache parameters


cannot enable Very Large Memory with new buffer cache parameters
Cause:User specified one or more of { db_cache_size , db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size, db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32) } AND use_indirect_data_buffers is set to TRUE. This is illegal.
Action:Very Large Memory can only be enabled with the old (pre-Oracle_8.2) parameters.

ORA-00384: Insufficient memory to grow cache


Insufficient memory to grow cache
Cause:The system could not allocate sufficient memory to grow the cache to the specified size.
Action:Attempt a smaller increase in the value of the parameter.

oracle error- ORA-00383: DEFAULT cache for blocksize string cannot be reduced to zero


DEFAULT cache for blocksize string cannot be reduced to zero
Cause:User attempted to reduce db_cache_size to zero, or attempted to to reduce db_<n>K_cache_size to zero while there were still online tablespaces with blocksize <n>K. Note that since the SYSTEM tablespace cannot be taken offline, it is always illegal to set db_cache_size to zero.
Action:Offline any tablespaces with the corresponding blocksize and then perform the operation again.

oracle error- ORA-00382: %s not a valid block size, valid range [string..string]


%s not a valid block size, valid range [string..string]
Cause:User specified a value for db_nk_cache_size where n is one of {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}, but nk is not a valid block size for this platform.
Action:Remove corresponding parameter from the "init.ora" file and restart the instance.

oracle error- ORA-00381: cannot use both new and old parameters for buffer cache size specification


cannot use both new and old parameters for buffer cache size specification
Cause:User specified one or more of { db_cache_size , db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size, db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32), db_cache_advice } AND one or more of { db_block_buffers, buffer_pool_keep , buffer_pool_recycle }. This is illegal.
Action:Use EITHER the old (pre-Oracle_8.2) parameters OR the new ones. Don't specify both. If old size parameters are specified in the parameter file, you may want to replace them with new parameters since the new parameters can be modified dynamically and allow you to configure additional caches for additional block sizes. Cache advisory can only be enabled with the new cache parameters.

oracle error- ORA-00380: cannot specify db_stringk_cache_size since stringK is the standard block size


cannot specify db_stringk_cache_size since stringK is the standard block size
Cause:User specified the parameter db_nk_cache_size (where n is one of 2,4,8,16,32), while the standard block size for this database is equal to n Kbytes. This is illegal.
Action:Specify the standard block size cache using db_cache_size (DEFAULT pool) (and db_recycle_cache_size, db_keep_cache_size if additional buffer pools are required). Do NOT use the corresponding db_nk_cache_size parameter for the standard block size.

oracle error- ORA-00379: no free buffers available in buffer pool string for block size stringK


no free buffers available in buffer pool string for block size stringK
Cause:All buffers in the specified buffer pool for the specified block size are in use and no free buffers are available.
Action:Increase the number of buffers in the specified pool for the specified block size

oracle error- ORA-00378: buffer pools cannot be created as specified


buffer pools cannot be created as specified
Cause:Either the number of buffers or the number of lru latches is too small to satisfy the specified buffer pool configuration.
Action:Either increase the number of buffers and/or number of lru latches or configure smaller buffer pools.

oracle error- ORA-00377: Frequent backups of file string causing write operation to stall


Frequent backups of file string causing write operation to stall
Cause:Backups are occurring too frequently on this file. Each time a new backup is started for a file, any writes which have been previously issued (but not completed) have to be re-issued. If hot backups are started very, very frequently, it is possible that some writes will be re-issued repeatedly and never complete.
Action:Increase the interval between begin hot-backup commands for this file.

oracle error- ORA-00376: file string cannot be read at this time


file string cannot be read at this time
Cause:attempting to read from a file that is not readable. Most likely the file is offline.
Action:Check the state of the file. Bring it online

oracle error- ORA-00375: unable to get default db_block_size


unable to get default db_block_size
Cause:the system was unable to determine the default db_block_size
Action:see accompanying system specific error. As a workaround, specify the blocksize in the INIT.ORA file.

oracle error- ORA-00373: online log version string incompatible with ORACLE version string


online log version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
Cause:The online log was written by incompatible version of Oracle. Can occur when the log file was created by either a new or older version of Oracle.
Action:Recover the database with the compatible software, shut it down cleanly, then restart with current software.

oracle error- ORA-00372: file string cannot be modified at this time


file string cannot be modified at this time
Cause:attempting to modify the contents of a file that cannot be modified. The file is most likely part of a read only tablespace but may be in the process of going offline, or the database may be in the process of closing.
Action:check the status of the file and its tablespace

oracle error- ORA-00371: not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast string bytes


not enough shared pool memory, should be atleast string bytes
Cause:Init.ora parameter shared_pool_size is too small
Action:Increase the parameter value

oracle error- ORA-00370: potential deadlock during kcbchange operation


potential deadlock during kcbchange operation
Cause:Error code used internally by software. Should never be reported
Action:Treat as internal error. See error 600.

oracle error- ORA-00369: Current log of thread string not useable and other log being cleared


Current log of thread string not useable and other log being cleared
Cause:Attempt to open thread failed because it is necessary to switch redo generation to another online log, but all the other logs are being cleared or need to be archived before they can be used.
Action:If the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command is still active then wait for it to complete. Otherwise reissue the CLEAR command. If there are other online logs for the thread, that are not being cleared, then archive the logs.

oracle error- ORA-00368: checksum error in redo log block


checksum error in redo log block
Cause:The redo block indicated by the accompanying error, is not vaild. It has a checksum that does not match the block contents.
Action:Restore correct file or reset logs.

oracle error- ORA-00366: log string of thread string, checksum error in the file header


log string of thread string, checksum error in the file header
Cause:The file header for the redo log contains a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header is corrupted
Action:Find and install correct version of log or reset logs.

oracle error- ORA-00365: the specified log is not the correct next log


the specified log is not the correct next log
Cause:The specified log failed to pass checks to ensure it corresponds to the log that was just applied. This is probably the result of using a log that was generated against a cold backup image of the database.
Action:Find the log that was generated by this copy of the database and give that filename to recovery.

oracle error- ORA-00364: cannot write header to new log member


cannot write header to new log member
Cause:An i/o error occurred when attempting to write the header to a log member that is being added to an existing group.
Action:See accompanying errors. Fix problem or use another file.

oracle error- ORA-00363: log is not the archived version


log is not the archived version
Cause:d by failing to list the current log of an enabled thread in a CREATE CONTROLFILE command.
Action:Find the archived version of the log and supply its name. If this is media recovery immediately following a CREATE CONTROLFILE, be sure the current log for this thread was included.

oracle error- ORA-00362: member is required to form a valid logfile in group string


member is required to form a valid logfile in group string
Cause:A request to drop a logfile member was denied because it would remove data required to form a complete logfile.
Action:If desired, delete the entire log (after archiving if required), by using DROP LOGFILE;

oracle error- ORA-00361: cannot remove last log member string for group string


cannot remove last log member string for group string
Cause:An attempt has been made to remove the last member of a log file group.
Action:If desired, delete the entire log, by using DROP LOGFILE.

oracle error- ORA-00360: not a logfile member: string


not a logfile member: string
Cause:A filename was given to drop logfile member that is not a part of the database, or which is a data file.
Action:Supply a valid logfile member name.

oracle error- ORA-00359: logfile group string does not exist


logfile group string does not exist
Cause:An add logfile member or drop logfile request specified a logfile group number that does not exist.
Action:Check the configuration of the log files and reissue the command.

oracle error- ORA-00358: Too many file members specified, the maximum is string


Too many file members specified, the maximum is string
Cause:A create or alter statement specified too many members in a parenthesised file list.
Action:Specify a number of file members that is within the port-defined limit.

oracle error- ORA-00357: too many members specified for log file, the maximum is string


too many members specified for log file, the maximum is string
Cause:An add logfile or add logfile member command would result in a log with too many members. The number of members is set when the database is created.
Action:Use fewer log file members.

oracle error- ORA-00356: inconsistent lengths in change description

ORA-00356: inconsistent lengths in change description

Cause:A change record in the redo log contains lengths that do not add up to a consistent value. The log is corrupted in some way.

Action:Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time.

oracle error- ORA-00355: change numbers out of order


change numbers out of order
Cause:A change number found in the redo log is lower than a previously encountered change number. The log is corrupted in some way. The corruption may be at the earlier change or at this one.
Action:Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time.

oracle error- ORA-00354: corrupt redo log block header


corrupt redo log block header
Cause:The block header on the redo block indicated by the accompanying error, is not reasonable.
Action:Do recovery with a good version of the log or do time based recovery up to the indicated time. If this happens when archiving, archiving of the problem log can be skipped by clearing the log with the UNARCHIVED option. This must be followed by a backup of every datafile to insure recoverability of the database.

oracle error- ORA-00353: log corruption near block string change string time string


log corruption near block string change string time string
Cause:Some type of redo log corruption has been discovered. This error describes the location of the corruption. Accompanying errors describe the type of corruption.
Action:Do recovery with a good version of the log or do incomplete recovery up to the indicated change or time.

oracle error- ORA-00352: all logs for thread string need to be archived - cannot enable


all logs for thread string need to be archived - cannot enable
Cause:Attempting to enable a thread with all logs needing to be archived, and media recovery has been enabled. There is no log that can be made the new current log for the thread.
Archive a log for the thread or disable media recovery.

oracle error- ORA-00351: recover-to time invalid


recover-to time invalid
Cause:The time specified in a recover-until statement must be after January 1st 1988.
Action:Specify a time after January 1st 1988.

oracle error- ORA-00350: log string of instance string (thread string) needs to be archived


log string of instance string (thread string) needs to be archived
Cause:The command cannot be done because the log has not been archived, and media recovery has been enabled.
Action:Archive the log or disable media recovery. If the command supports an UNARCHIVED option then it can be used. However this may result in making backups unuseable, and forcing the drop of some offline files.

oracle error- ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for 'string'

ORA-00349: failure obtaining block size for 'string'

Cause:The operating system was unable to determine the blocksize for the given filename.
Action:Consult the accompanying error message, and correct the device or specify another filename.

oracle error- ORA-00348: single-process redo failure. Must abort instance

ORA-00348: single-process redo failure. Must abort instance

Cause:A failure occurred during a critical portion of the log code during single process operation. This error does not occur during normal multi-process operation.
Action:Shutdown abort and warmstart the database.

oracle error-ORA-00374: parameter db_block_size = string invalid ; must be a multiple of string in the range [string..string]


parameter db_block_size = string invalid ; must be a multiple of string in the range [string..string]
Cause:invalid value for db_block_size parameter
Action:adjust parameter and restart

oracle error- ORA-00367: checksum error in log file header


checksum error in log file header
Cause:The file header for the redo log contains a checksum that does not match the value calculated from the file header as read from disk. This means the file header is corrupted
Action:Find the correct file and try again.

oracle error- ORA-00347: log string of thread string, expected block size string doesn't match string


log string of thread string, expected block size string doesn't match string
Cause:On header read the blocksize indicated in the control file did not match the blocksize contained in the log file.
Action:Restore correct file or reset logs.

oracle error- ORA-00346: log member marked as STALE


log member marked as STALE
Cause:A log file member no longer is complete.
Action:Correct the underlying problem by referring to the other error messages found with this one.

oracle error- ORA-00345: redo log write error block string count string


redo log write error block string count string
Cause:An IO error has occurred while writing the log
Action:Correct the cause of the error, and then restart the system. If the log is lost, apply media/incomplete recovery.

oracle error- ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log 'string'


unable to re-create online log 'string'
Cause:An I/O failure occurred when attempting to re-create an online as part of either ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS or ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE command.
Action:Correct the file/device as indicated by accompanying errors.

oracle error- ORA-00343: too many errors, log member closed


too many errors, log member closed
Cause:The maximum number of errors on this log member has been exceeded.
Action:Correct the underlying problem by referring to the other error messages found with this one.

oracle error- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error string

Cause: An arithmetic, numeric, string, conversion, or constraint error occurred. For example, this error occurs if an attempt is made to assign the value NULL to a variable declared NOT NULL, or if an attempt is made to assign an integer larger than 99 to a variable declared NUMBER(2).

Action: Change the data, how it is manipulated, or how it is declared so that values do not violate constraints.

oracle error- ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Cause:The listener received a request to establish a connection to a database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener specified a service name for a service (usually a database service) that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has not been statically configured for the listener. This may be a temporary condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database instance has registered with the listener.
Action:- Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.
- Check which services are currently known by the listener by executing: lsnrctl services <listener name>
- Check that the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor of the net service name used specifies a service known by the listener.
- If an easy connect naming connect identifier was used, check that the service name specified is a service known by the listener.
- Check for an event in the listener.log file.

oracle error- ORA-00342: archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN string

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


archived log does not have expected resetlogs SCN string
Cause:Recovery was given a log that does not belong to current incarnation or one of the parent incarnation. There should be another log that contains the correct redo.
Action:Supply the correct log file.

oracle error- ORA-00338: log string of thread string is more recent than control file

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


log string of thread string is more recent than control file
Cause:The control file change sequence number in the log file is greater than the number in the control file. This implies that the wrong control file is being used. Note that repeatedly causing this error can make it stop happening without correcting the real problem. Every attempt to open the database will advance the control file change sequence number until it is great enough.
Action:Use the current control file or do backup control file recovery to make the control file current. Be sure to follow all restrictions on doing a backup control file recovery.

oracle error- ORA-00339: archived log does not contain any redo

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


archived log does not contain any redo
Cause:The archived log is not the correct log. It is a copy of a log file that has never been used for redo generation, or was an online log being prepared to be the current log.
Action:Restore the correct log file.

oracle error- ORA-00340: IO error processing online log string of thread string

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


IO error processing online log string of thread string
Cause:An IO error occurred on the named online log.
Action:Restore accessibility to file, or restore file from backup.

oracle error- ORA-00341: log string of thread string, wrong log # string in header

oracle, oracle error, oracle blog


log string of thread string, wrong log # string in header
Cause:The internal information in an online log file does not match the control file.
Action:Restore correct file or reset logs.

oracle error- ORA-00337: log file 'string' does not exist and no size specified


log file 'string' does not exist and no size specified
Cause:An attempt to add a log found neither an existing file nor a size for creating the file.
Action:Specify a size for the log file.

oracle error- ORA-00336: log file size string blocks is less than minimum string blocks


log file size string blocks is less than minimum string blocks
Cause:The log file size as specified in create database is too small.
Action:Increase the log file size.