ORA-00232: | snapshot control file is nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable |
Cause: | The snapshot control file was found to be nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable during an invocation of cfileUseSnapshot. |
Action: | Call cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot again (or for the first time). |
Conexoes de Rede - Blog oracle error ,net work, ora code, pl sql for, security it, firebird, mysql,router and switch cisco, linux,windows server, wireless, how to, open source, performance oracle, tunning, switching, realtek, certification, ccna
oracle error - ORA-00232: snapshot control file is nonexistent, corrupt, or unreadable
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00231: snapshot control file has not been named
ORA-00231: | snapshot control file has not been named |
Cause: | During an invocation of cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot or cfileUseSnapshot it was detected that no filename for the snapshot control file had previously been specified. |
Action: | Specify a name for the snapshot control file by calling cfileSetSnapshotName. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00230: operation disallowed: snapshot control file enqueue unavailable
ORA-00230: | operation disallowed: snapshot control file enqueue unavailable |
Cause: | The attempted operation cannot be executed at this time because another process currently holds the snapshot control file enqueue. |
Action: | Retry the operation after the concurrent operation that is holding the snapshot control file enqueue terminates. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00229: operation disallowed: already hold snapshot control file enqueue
ORA-00229: | operation disallowed: already hold snapshot control file enqueue |
Cause: | The attempted operation cannot be executed at this time because this process currently holds the snapshot control file enqueue. |
Action: | Retry the operation after calling cfileUseCurrent to release the snapshot control file enqueue. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00228: length of alternate control file name exceeds maximum of string
ORA-00228: | length of alternate control file name exceeds maximum of string |
Cause: | The specified filename, which was supplied as a parameter to cfileSetSnapshotName or cfileUseCopy, exceeds the maximum filename length for this operating system. |
Action: | Retry the operation with a shorter filename. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00227: corrupt block detected in control file: (block string, # blocks string)
ORA-00227: | corrupt block detected in control file: (block string, # blocks string) |
Cause: | A block header corruption or checksum error was detected on reading the control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00226: operation disallowed while alternate control file open
ORA-00226: | operation disallowed while alternate control file open |
Cause: | The attempted operation could not be executed at this time because this process had an alternate control file open for fixed table access. |
Action: | Retry the operation after calling cfileUseCurrent. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00225: expected size string of control file differs from actual size string
ORA-00225: | expected size string of control file differs from actual size string |
Cause: | The expected size of the control file as stored in its header was different than the actual operating system file size. This usually indicates that the control file was corrupted. |
Action: | Restore a good copy of the control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00224: control file resize attempted with illegal record type (string)
ORA-00224: | control file resize attempted with illegal record type (string) |
Cause: | An attempt was made to expand or shrink the control file by calling cfileResizeSection using an invalid value for the RECORD_TYPE parameter. |
Action: | Use a value for the RECORD_TYPE parameter that specifies a valid record type other than type 0 (valid range is 1-16). |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00223: convert file is invalid or incorrect version
ORA-00223: | convert file is invalid or incorrect version |
Cause: | An Oracle7 to Oracle8 convert file contains invalid data or was created with an different version of the migration utility. This error can also be caused by incorrect ORACLE_HOME environment variable when ALTER DATABASE CONVERT command is issued. |
Action: | Use a correct version of the convert file or regenerate it with the migration utility. Make sure that the migration utility is the same version as the Oracle8 RDBMS executable and that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is properly set. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00222: operation would reuse name of a currently mounted control file
ORA-00222: | operation would reuse name of a currently mounted control file |
Cause: | The filename supplied as a parameter to the ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE command or to cfileSetSnapshotName matches the name of the specified currently mounted control file. |
Action: | Retry the operation with a different filename. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00221: error on write to control file
ORA-00221: | error on write to control file |
Cause: | An error occurred when writing to one or more of the control files. |
Action: | See accompanying messages. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00220: control file not mounted by first instance, check alert log for more info
ORA-00220: | control file not mounted by first instance, check alert log for more info |
Cause: | The specified control file has a different mount ID than the other control files that are being mounted. This means that the first instance to mount the database did not use this control file. |
Action: | Find and install the correct control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00219: required control file size (string logical blocks) exceeds maximum allowable size (string logical blocks)
ORA-00219: | required control file size (string logical blocks) exceeds maximum allowable size (string logical blocks) |
Cause: | An invocation of CREATE DATABASE or CREATE CONTROLFILE was executed specifying a combination of parameters that would require the control file size in blocks to exceed the maximum allowable value. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00218: block size string of control file 'string' does not match DB_BLOCK_SIZE (string)
ORA-00218: | block size string of control file 'string' does not match DB_BLOCK_SIZE (string) |
Cause: | The block size as stored in the control file header is different from the value of the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE. This might be due to an incorrect setting of DB_BLOCK_SIZE, or else might indicate that the control file has either been corrupted or belongs to a different database. |
Action: | Restore a good copy of the control file. If the control file is known to be clean set the DB_BLOCK_SIZE to match control file headers block size value. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00217: control file could not be resized for new record types
ORA-00217: | control file could not be resized for new record types |
Cause: | The control file was missing some new record types supported by this release. These record types are automatically added by resizing the contol file during mount. The resize has failed. |
Action: | Look in the alert log for the reason that the resize has failed. If indicated in the alert log, give the control file more space. Otherwise, use the CREATE CONTROLFILE script dumped to the trace file to create a new control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00216: control file could not be resized for migration from 8.0.2
ORA-00216: | control file could not be resized for migration from 8.0.2 |
Cause: | The control file created by release 8.0.2 was missing some record types. These record types are automatically added by resizing the control file during mount. The resize has failed. |
Action: | Look in the alert log for the reason that the resize has failed. If indicated in the alert log, give the control file more space. Otherwise, use the CREATE CONTROLFILE script dumped to the trace file to create a new control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00215: must be at least one control file
ORA-00215: | must be at least one control file |
Cause: | No control file is specified or the control file specified does not exist. |
Action: | Specify at least one valid control file and retry the operation. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
Roteador cisco- como configurar o nome?
A partir dessa semana iremos mostrar dicas de como configurar os roteadores cisco, serão pequenas dicas simples que irão ajudar nas horas necessárias ou para prova da certificação CCNA.
São 3 passos simples:
Descrição: Entra modo super usuário no roteador
Router1#configure terminal
Descrição: Acessa o modo de configuração.
Router1# hostname central
Descrição: Comando para alterar o nome do router.
Descrição: para sair do modo configuração.
central#copy run startup
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...
Descrição: Salvar a configuração para que não seja perdida, ao reiniciar o router.
Seguindo esses passos você irá conseguir alterar o nome do roteador.
São 3 passos simples:
Descrição: Entra modo super usuário no roteador
Router1#configure terminal
Descrição: Acessa o modo de configuração.
Router1# hostname central
Descrição: Comando para alterar o nome do router.
Descrição: para sair do modo configuração.
central#copy run startup
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...
Descrição: Salvar a configuração para que não seja perdida, ao reiniciar o router.
Seguindo esses passos você irá conseguir alterar o nome do roteador.
configurando roteador,
configurar roteador,
roteador configurar,
oracle error - ORA-00214: control file 'string' version string inconsistent with file 'string' version string
ORA-00214: | control file 'string' version string inconsistent with file 'string' version string |
Cause: | An inconsistent set of control files, datafiles/logfiles, and redo files was used. |
Action: | Use a consistant set of control files, datafiles/logfiles, and redo log files. That is, all the files must be for the same database and from the same time period. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00213: cannot reuse control file; old file size string, string required
ORA-00213: | cannot reuse control file; old file size string, string required |
Cause: | To reuse a control file, it must be the same size as the one previously used. |
Action: | Either do not specify REUSE, or specify a matching combination of MAXDATAFILES, MAXLOGFILES, MAXLOGMEMBERS, MAXLOGHISTORY, and MAXINSTANCES clauses in the CREATE DATABASE or CREATE CONTROLFILE statement. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00212: block size string below minimum required size of string bytes
ORA-00212: | block size string below minimum required size of string bytes |
Cause: | The block size specified was too small. Space for the system overhead is required. |
Action: | Specify a larger block size and retry the operation. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00211: control file does not match previous control files
ORA-00211: | control file does not match previous control files |
Cause: | A control file was specified that belongs to another database. |
Action: | Find and install the correct control file. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00210: cannot open the specified control file
ORA-00210: | cannot open the specified control file |
Cause: | Cannot open the control file. |
Action: | Check to make sure the control file exists and is not locked by some other program. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00209: control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for more info
ORA-00209: | control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for more info |
Cause: | The block size in the control file header does not match the size specified in the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter. |
Action: | Look at the alert log for more information. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00208: number of control file names exceeds limit of string
ORA-00208: | number of control file names exceeds limit of string |
Cause: | An attempt was made to use more control files than Oracle supports. |
Action: | Shut down Oracle. Reduce the number of control files specified in the CONTROL_FILES parameter in the initialization parameter file, and restart Oracle. Delete usused files. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00207: control files are not for the same database
ORA-00207: | control files are not for the same database |
Cause: | The database ID in the control file is not the same as the database ID in the control file used by the first instance to mount this database. Most likely one of the mounts used the wrong control file or there are two databases with the same name. |
Action: | Check that the control file is for the correct database and is not an old version. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info
ORA-00205: | error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info |
Cause: | The system could not find a control file of the specified name and size. |
Action: | Check that ALL control files are online and that they are the same files that the system created at cold start time. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00204: error in reading (block string, # blocks string) of control file
ORA-00204: | error in reading (block string, # blocks string) of control file |
Cause: | A disk I/O failure was detected on reading the control file. |
Action: | Check if the disk is online, if it is not, bring it online and try a warm start again. If it is online, then you need to recover the disk. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00203: using the wrong control files
ORA-00203: | using the wrong control files |
Cause: | The mount ID in the control file is not the same as the mount ID in the control file used by the first instance to mount this database. The control files are for the same database but they are not the same files. Most likely one instance is using a backup control file. |
Action: | Check that the correct control files were specified. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00202: control file: 'string'
ORA-00202: | control file: 'string' |
Cause: | This message reports the name file involved in other messages. |
Action: | See associated error messages for a description of the problem. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00200: control file could not be created
ORA-00200: | control file could not be created |
Cause: | It was not possible to create the control file. |
Action: | Check that there is sufficient disk space and no conflicts in filenames and try to create the control file again. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error -ORA-00166: remote/local nesting level is too deep
ORA-00166: | remote/local nesting level is too deep |
Cause: | Too many remote table operations required a reverse trip back to the local site, for example to execute a local function on a remote table. |
Action: | Rearrange the query or co-locate the functions with the tables. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00201: control file version string incompatible with ORACLE version string
ORA-00201: | control file version string incompatible with ORACLE version string |
Cause: | The control file was created by incompatible software. |
Action: | Either restart with a compatible software release or use CREATE CONTROLFILE to create a new control file that is compatible with this release. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00165: migratable distributed autonomous transaction with remote operation is not allowed
ORA-00165: | migratable distributed autonomous transaction with remote operation is not allowed |
Cause: | A request was made by the application to start a migratable distributed autonomous transaction with remote operation. |
Action: | none |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00164: distributed autonomous transaction disallowed within migratable distributed transaction
ORA-00164: | distributed autonomous transaction disallowed within migratable distributed transaction |
Cause: | A request was made by the application to start a distributed autonomous transaction when the application was in a migratable distributed transaction. |
Action: | Roll back or commit the current distributed transaction first. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00163: internal database name length string is greater than maximum (string)
ORA-00163: | internal database name length string is greater than maximum (string) |
Cause: | An internal database name with a too large length field was passed in. |
Action: | Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00162: external dbid length string is greater than maximum (string)
ORA-00162: | external dbid length string is greater than maximum (string) |
Cause: | An external database name with too large a length field was passed in. |
Action: | Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00161: transaction branch length string is illegal (maximum allowed string)
ORA-00161: | transaction branch length string is illegal (maximum allowed string) |
Cause: | An external transaction branch ID with a length either too large or 0 was passed in. |
Action: | Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00160: global transaction length string is greater than maximum (string)
ORA-00160: | global transaction length string is greater than maximum (string) |
Cause: | An external global transaction ID with a too large length field was passed in. |
Action: | Report the problem to your external transaction coordinator vendor. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00155: cannot perform work outside of global transaction
ORA-00155: | cannot perform work outside of global transaction |
Cause: | The application tried to perform some work on either an Oracle 7.3 server or an Oracle8 server with local transactions disabled while outside of a global transaction. |
Action: | Check if the application is connected to an Oracle 7.3 server. The Transaction monitor must not return a NULL XID on an AX_REG call when the resource manager is Oracle 7.3. If the application is connected to an Oracle8 server, either set nolocal=f in the xa_open string or start a global transaction prior to attempting the work. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00154: protocol error in transaction monitor
ORA-00154: | protocol error in transaction monitor |
Cause: | The transaction monitor returned TMJOIN on an AX_REG call but the transaction was locally suspended. |
Action: | Contact the transaction monitor customer support. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00153: internal error in XA library
ORA-00153: | internal error in XA library |
Cause: | The XA library could not access thread-specific pointers. |
Action: | Contact customer support. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00152: current session does not match requested session
ORA-00152: | current session does not match requested session |
Cause: | The current session is not the same as the session that was passed into a upixado() call. |
Action: | Check your application. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00151: invalid transaction ID
ORA-00151: | invalid transaction ID |
Cause: | The specified transaction ID does not correspond to an existing valid transaction. |
Action: | Check your application. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00150: duplicate transaction ID
ORA-00150: | duplicate transaction ID |
Cause: | Attempted to start a new transaction with an ID already in use by an existing transaction. |
Action: | Check your application. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
Simulador Cisco packet tracer-
O Packet Tracer é uma solução completa da cisco para simulação e análise de redes, com ele podemos simular redes e entender o funcionamento delas. Configurar esquipamento de redes como router switchs, access point e etc.
O programa faz parte do Cisco Networking Academy (CCNA) global da rede ensino e aprendizagem de software. As Características inovadoras do Packet Tracer, incluindo a poderosa simulação, visualização, criação, avaliação, colaboração e capacidades, vai ajudar os estudantes e os professores colaboram, resolvem problemas, e aprender conceitos em um ambiente social envolvente e dinâmico.
O programa faz parte do Cisco Networking Academy (CCNA) global da rede ensino e aprendizagem de software. As Características inovadoras do Packet Tracer, incluindo a poderosa simulação, visualização, criação, avaliação, colaboração e capacidades, vai ajudar os estudantes e os professores colaboram, resolvem problemas, e aprender conceitos em um ambiente social envolvente e dinâmico.
Alguns recursos:
- PPPoE Server (no router) e Client (no PC e router linksys simulados)
- Cisco IP Communicator no PC simulado
- Protocolos RTP e SCCP
- Power over Ethernet (PoE)
- Telefone analógico
- Call Manager Express
- FTP Server e Client
- Linksys Wireless
packet tracer,
simulador cisco,
simulador de redes
oracle error - ORA-00134: invalid DISPATCHERS specification #string
ORA-00134: | invalid DISPATCHERS specification #string |
Cause: | The syntax for the n-th DISPATCHERS specification was incorrect. |
Action: | Refer to the Oracle Reference Manual for the correct syntax. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00133:-value of string is too long
ORA-00133: | value of string is too long |
Cause: | The value specified for the attribute was too long. |
Action: | Use shorter names and keywords or remove unneeded blanks. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00132-syntax error or unresolved network name 'string'
ORA-00132: | syntax error or unresolved network name 'string' |
Cause: | Listener address has syntax error or cannot be resolved. |
Action: | If a network name is specified, check that it corresponds to an entry in TNSNAMES.ORA or other address repository as configured for your system. Make sure that the entry is syntactically correct. |
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
loopback windows- instalando um adaptador virtual no Windows XP
Nesse pequeno texto irei mostrar como instalar o microsoft loopback adapter, bastando apenas seguir os passos abaixo:
1º ir até o painel de controle.
2º Escolha a opção Adicionar e remover hardware.
3º Clique agora na opção avancar.
4º Na próxima tela clique na opção "Sim eu ja conctei o hardware" e depois clique em avançar.
5º Escolha a opção adicionar novo dispositivo de hardware.
6º Clique agora na opção instalar o hardware que eu selecionar manualmente em uma lista.
7º Escolha adaptadores de rede
8º Escolha agora o fabricante microsoft e o adptador de rede microsoft loopback adapter.
9º Clique em avançar novamente.
10º Aguarde terminar a instalação e clique em concluir.
Nosso adaptador microsoft loopback adapter, e poderá ser utilizado por exemplo para configurar a rede com uma maquina virtual no virtual box.
1º ir até o painel de controle.
3º Clique agora na opção avancar.
4º Na próxima tela clique na opção "Sim eu ja conctei o hardware" e depois clique em avançar.
5º Escolha a opção adicionar novo dispositivo de hardware.
6º Clique agora na opção instalar o hardware que eu selecionar manualmente em uma lista.
7º Escolha adaptadores de rede
8º Escolha agora o fabricante microsoft e o adptador de rede microsoft loopback adapter.
9º Clique em avançar novamente.
10º Aguarde terminar a instalação e clique em concluir.
Nosso adaptador microsoft loopback adapter, e poderá ser utilizado por exemplo para configurar a rede com uma maquina virtual no virtual box.
loopback adapter,
microsoft loopback,
microsoft loopback adapter,
ms loopback adapter,
windows virtual
Certificação cisco CCENT
A cisco resolveu mudar o seu programa de certificação e em 2007 criou um exame de entrada para a certificação cisco CCNA. O exame 640-822 ICND1 certifica o candidato na CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician.
Tópicos abordados(conteúdo) CCENT
Tópicos abordados(conteúdo) CCENT
Criar uma pequena rede.
Endereçamento de IP’s para pequenas empresas: NAT, DHCP e troubleshooting.
Implementar o roteamento para pequenas empresas.
Entender o funcionamento das as redes wireless (wlan).
Proteger as redes.
Endereçamento de IP’s para pequenas empresas: NAT, DHCP e troubleshooting.
Implementar o roteamento para pequenas empresas.
Entender o funcionamento das as redes wireless (wlan).
Proteger as redes.
Conceitos de redes WAN.
A prova custa 125 dolares e pode ser agendada pelo site da VUE e o pagamento é via cartão de crédito.
oracle error - ORA-00131: network protocol does not support registration 'string'
ORA-00131: network protocol does not support registration 'string'
Cause: The specified protocol does not support async notification.
Action: Refer to the manual for information on supported network protocols.
Cause: The specified protocol does not support async notification.
Action: Refer to the manual for information on supported network protocols.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00130: invalid listener address 'string'
ORA-00130: invalid listener address 'string'
Cause: The listener address specification is not valid.
Action: Make sure that all fields in the listener address (protocol, port, host, key, ...) are correct.
Cause: The listener address specification is not valid.
Action: Make sure that all fields in the listener address (protocol, port, host, key, ...) are correct.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00129: listener address validation failed 'string'
ORA-00129: listener address validation failed 'string'
Cause: An error was encountered while validating the listener address.
Action: Resolve error or contact your ORACLE representative.
Cause: An error was encountered while validating the listener address.
Action: Resolve error or contact your ORACLE representative.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00128: this command requires a dispatcher name
ORA-00128: this command requires a dispatcher name
Cause: Wrong syntax for ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN
Action: Use correct syntax: ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN [ IMMEDIATE ] 'dispatcher name'
Cause: Wrong syntax for ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN
Action: Use correct syntax: ALTER SYSTEM SHUTDOWN [ IMMEDIATE ] 'dispatcher name'
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00127: dispatcher string does not exist
ORA-00127: dispatcher string does not exist
Cause: There is currently no dispatcher running with the specified name.
Action: Retry with a name of the form "D###" denoting an existing dispatcher process.
Cause: There is currently no dispatcher running with the specified name.
Action: Retry with a name of the form "D###" denoting an existing dispatcher process.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00123: idle public server terminating
ORA-00123: idle public server terminating
Cause: Too many idle servers were waiting on the common queue.
Action: This error is used internally, no action is required.
Cause: Too many idle servers were waiting on the common queue.
Action: This error is used internally, no action is required.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00124: DISPATCHERS specified without MAX_SHARED_SERVERS
Cause: A definition for DISPATCHERS was specified in the initialization parameter file, but MAX_SHARED_SERVERS was specified as zero.
Action: Specify MAX_SHARED_SERVERS to be greater than zero.
Cause: A definition for DISPATCHERS was specified in the initialization parameter file, but MAX_SHARED_SERVERS was specified as zero.
Action: Specify MAX_SHARED_SERVERS to be greater than zero.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00125: connection refused; invalid presentation
ORA-00125: connection refused; invalid presentation
Cause: The PRESENTATION in the CONNECT_DATA of the TNS address DESCRIPTION is not correct or is not supported.
Action: Correct the PRESENTATION specified in the TNS address.
Cause: The PRESENTATION in the CONNECT_DATA of the TNS address DESCRIPTION is not correct or is not supported.
Action: Correct the PRESENTATION specified in the TNS address.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00122: cannot initialize network configuration
ORA-00122: cannot initialize network configuration
Cause: ORACLE could not initialize SQL*Net version 2.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information.
Cause: ORACLE could not initialize SQL*Net version 2.
Action: Check the error stack for detailed information.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00121: SHARED_SERVERS specified without DISPATCHERS
ORA-00121: SHARED_SERVERS specified without DISPATCHERS
Cause: A definition for SHARED_SERVERS was specified in the initialization parameter file, but no definition for DISPATCHERS was specified. Without a value for DISPATCHERS, shared servers will never be used.
Action: Add a definition for DISPATCHERS in the initialization parameter file (or remove the definition for SHARED_SERVERS, if shared servers are not being used).
Cause: A definition for SHARED_SERVERS was specified in the initialization parameter file, but no definition for DISPATCHERS was specified. Without a value for DISPATCHERS, shared servers will never be used.
Action: Add a definition for DISPATCHERS in the initialization parameter file (or remove the definition for SHARED_SERVERS, if shared servers are not being used).
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
oracle error - ORA-00120: dispatching mechanism not enabled or installed
ORA-00120: dispatching mechanism not enabled or installed
Cause: Either the dispatching mechanism was not enabled or the Oracle executable image was not installed with the dispatching mechanism.
Action: Refer to the >Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide and your operating system-specific documentation for procedures for starting and configuring the dispatcher process.
Cause: Either the dispatching mechanism was not enabled or the Oracle executable image was not installed with the dispatching mechanism.
Action: Refer to the >Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide and your operating system-specific documentation for procedures for starting and configuring the dispatcher process.
banco de dados,
error oracle,
oracle error
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